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GFP & BN "Global Fresh Produce and Banana News" |
ATC "Asociación Tucumana de Cítricos" |
USDA "United State Departament of Agriculture" |
FEDEFRUTA "Federación de Productores de Fruta de Chile" |
"The Ultimate Citrus Page" |
AVA "Asociación Valenciana de Agricultores" |
C.C.Q.C. "Consejo de Calidad California Citrus" |
FCM "Florida Citrus Mutual" |
FC "Florida Citrus" |
UCANR "University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resourse" |
WWAF "Watches, Warnings or Advisories for Florida" |
UE-NC "Union Europe - Norma de Comercialización" |
HSE "Healt and Safety Executive" |
AG-NET "Data Relating Food and Agriculture" |
SP 043 "Florida Citrus Pest Magnament Guide" |
The Packer "Covering the Fresh Product Industry" (Limones) |
The Packer "Covering the Fresh Product Industry" (Naranjas) |
FAO-STAT "Data Relating Food and Agriculture" |
BARCHART "Orange Juice Future Price" |
"Limite Máximo de Residuos" |
FAS "Pesticide MRL Database" |
California Farmer |
ITC "Trade Statics for International Business Development" |
CATALYTIC "The Ripening Adventage" |
PC-FHyO "PostCosecha, Frutas, Hortalizas y Ornamentales" |
AILIMPO "Asociación Interprofesional de Limón y Pomelo"" |
JM "Juice Market" |
GLOBAL G.A.P. "Certification of Production Processes of Agricultural" |
CIM "Citrus Indutry Magazine" |
CGC "Comite de Gestión de Cítricos" |
PSEP "Pesticide Safety Education Program" |
GVA "Generalitat Valenciana" |
RED DE CÍTRICOS "Red Temática de Cítricos" |
MAGRAMA "Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente" |
DNE "World Fruit Sales" |